Wednesday, November 15, 2006


As a long-time (about 9 years) member of Tulsa Business Leaders, it pleases me to be the first blogger at this site!

Having tried two other networking groups before joining TBL, it is easy to list the reasons I have stayed with this fine organization for quite a while:

1. Lunchtime Meetings occur only twice per month (1st and 3rd Wednesdays.) Many groups require weekly attendance and that is just too timely a commitment for me.

2. The group is small enough (currently 14 members, but we'd like around 20) that it is easy to know everyone on a first-name basis.

3. Four of the members have been with the group even longer than I! Longevity of membership is generally a good indicator that people are happy with the business they are receiving, and comfortable giving leads to fellow members.

4. All the members are (and past ones were) highly professional, honest, and ethical. It is so easy to refer people to my fellow members as I know the referred person will receive prompt and excellent service.

5. Ours is a very community-service oriented club. We give annually to many worthwhile endeavors and charities. Past organizations we have supported include John 3:16 Mission, YMe (breast cancer) Foundation, Laura Dester Home, TCC Scholarship Fund, and others I'm no doubt overlooking.

6. Quarterly evening get-togethers for just fun and food are always enjoyable!

Count me as a firm believer in Tulsa Business Leaders!

Phil Graham, President
Graham Computers & Consulting, Inc.

1 comment:

Nick said...

Hi everybody. I'm finally getting to posting on here. Not real sure what to put in here other than that I have really enjoyed the year or so I have been in TBL, it has been good not just for business contacts and networking, but personal growth as well.